viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

Carmelitas School, Elda: "Experience: The Ipad and the understanding projects in Primary Education. (Sociology)

On Wednesday, 27th of April, 2016, there was a meeting about the use of ipads in the classroom. At the begining, we whatched a video which the teachers of that school used to convince the parents about the use of the ipad as a tool into the classroom. The idea was to change the methodology in the teaching-learning process of the students, to adapt it to the School of the Future. Students belong to the future, so it is important to change the way of thinking about teaching.

That video explained to the families the theory of this process, the idea that will be developed during the next years. It talked about the advantages and disadvantages of the use of ipads, although that video didn't show disadvantages really, because later all those disadvantages were turned into opportunities. For example we could see that ipads are expensive but it offers profitability; families and the school didn't know so much about it but all the teachers would be trained to use it. It also would be an opportunity to know successful experiences. The school would offer enthusiasm and ilussion, but it would need the collaboration of families. 
The main objective was to improve the development of intelligences, taking advantage of the new technologies. 
The result of the video was great! Parents were convinced and engaged in this new methodology to collaborate with the centre in this big change.  

After approving this idea, two years later more or less, the idea was put into practice in this school.

A primary teacher called David, told us that it was necessary an educational improvement, and that actually schools, teachers, families..., have to be updated and it is necessary to develop a constant review and update of the educational goals, the methods that you as a teacher are going to use in the class with the students. "It is important to keep in mind that the brain is not a glass to fill"- he said, so we have to think in other ways of teaching and also keeping in mind that each child has a unique intelligence. 
The school needs to evolve, because the school of the future will be a hyperconected school, a creative school which objective will be to educate people: reflexive, conected, open-minded, pupils that can create, understand, working all the intelligences in a balanced way.  

He also said that they work according to the Bloom's Taxonomy :

This taxonomy shows us that in the traditional school, students only reach the first step, but with the new methodologies through the use of new technologies, it is possible to reach the top, because students do not depend only on a written test. 
The role of the teacher is to guide, facilitate the learning, and the role of the student is to be autonomous, active, with initiative, players of their teaching-learning process. 

It is an individualization, communication and creation tool, that takes full advantage of each student's capacities. 
In the school they work by understanding projects through the use of ICTs that allows the students to improve their digital competence. They become more autonomous and develop their critial sense. In this way, the activities are infinitive and not finitive as in the textbooks. 
At the end of the project the students do comprehension activities, in which they reflex about the activity. 


Teachers use a digital platform in which they can work all the areas without the need of using textbooks, because they have all the necessary materials in. Then, during the year, they add new materials that they create that can be useful in the next years. 
To work in this way it is important to provide students with all the necessary tools. 
They not only use ipads, they develop a mixed system: 

Fist of all, teachers have to stady the law to group the contents that will be developed in the different grades and then they select some of the contents to prepare a project to work with the students. Then they design the project and they create an Ibook for the project.

An english teacher of the centre explained us what an Ibook was and how they work with it. 
He said that the idea is that the Ibooks as the new books. An Ibook is a kind of digital book in which there is developed a project, so the students using ipads can work in this project and they are learning the same contents as there are in textbooks, but in a motivational way and without the necessity of use textbooks. They learn through games, and all the Ibooks have a part of Keynote to review the key contents to consolidate the learning. 

He also said that they don't assess the students according to a test; the students do a test, but that test is only one more activity to assess. They assess the students keeping in mind all the activities that they do, and each activity worths a percentage, depending on the importance of the standards of the activity. So to conclude, they assess according to items. 
All the apps that they use in the class are upload to a platform in which all the educative community, teachers, families, students... can use the different applications. 

At the end, they were comment about the 12 educative keys to the digital society, according to the next picture:
In my opinion, I think that it was an interesting meeting, because there are a lot of facilities to improve the teaching-learning of  the students and I think that it is a very good idea that the school is involved in the formation of teachers, in the change of the methodologies, in the collaboration with families, and also providing the students with the necessary tools. I think that it means that the school cares about the education of its students. 
I think that the teachers that were talking in this meeting, are completely involve in their childrens' education, designing a lot of activities, facilitating their learning. 
Maybe these teachers could be a good reference for us as teachers.   

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