lunes, 4 de abril de 2016

Diagnosis and Reference Legislation on racism and discrimination on racional or ethnic origin in school. (Unit 4. Pedagogy)

 The next topic is about racism, discrimination, xenophobia... It talks about the main purpose of some organizations which is combat racism and intolerance. 
It is also important the action of the Constitution because in some of its articles we can find that it proposes measures to eliminate these inequalities. It dedicates some articles to explain the measures taken to combat racism, but also inequalities because of gender, ethnic, birth, opinion, and so on. 
I think that it is an interesting topic, because we think that we live in equality, but trudly it is false, so I think that this topic can provide valuable information about this current problem. 
 We are going to talk about the third point of the support manual for the prevention and detection of the racism, the xenophobia and other types of intolerance in the classroom.

We start talking about the diagnosis and reference standards of racism and racial discrimination because of ethnic origin at school.
The objective of this point is to provide a diagnosis and a legislative framework to contextualize the demands that schools have to face because this intolerance.
 The school must be a reflection of this diverse and plural society, where it has a place all ethnic groups and cultural values, here we must highlight the 1994 Declaration of Salamanca.

In this context, acquires great a value the inclusive education and common learning with the necessary attention to diversity, for this we must consider the heterogeneity as something normal of the students.
But in this context of social change conflict occurs, and one of the most important is how the relational dynamics affect intercultural coexistence at school. It is important because diversity strategies improve the coexistence and encouraging participation and involvement.
 For all this, they are necessary taking into account some previous considerations:

  • For available statistics, it is difficult to measure the presence of ethnic minorities, it would be appropriate that the statistics include other criteria that would allow closer to students of foreign origin.
  • It is necessary from a series of definitions to know what we mean of racism or discrimination. Moreover, in practice the use of the concept of bullying generically, not allow clearly to identify the causes and reasons for these behaviors, which can make it difficult to identify.

 Spain is located in a very important position in international migration dynamics. From 2005 to the latest available data (2013), Spain ranks as the tenth country in the world by total number of immigrants taking ahead only three EU countries: Germany, France and the UK.
However, the most important is how there has been the increase of immigrant population in Spain. In short, the foreign population registered in Spain in the last 15 years has been multiplied by 7, which is an extraordinary increase.
 The extraordinary growth of the population of foreign origin explains that, during the first decade and a half of the XXI century, students of that origin were multiplied by 5. This means that 8.80% of students in the Spanish educational system are from foreign origin.
The largest annual increase of students of foreign origin occurred in 2001/02 and 2002/03 courses. The increase is lower from the year 2008/09 and, from the 2012/13 and until now an opposite trend occurs,students from foreign origin started to drop. These data are consistent with the dynamics of migration.
 Regarding the ownership of schools, the rate of foreign students in state schools (12%) is more than double that the rate existing in private schools (5%). Besides, there has been a significant increase in this difference in the last 15 years.
The unequal distribution of immigrant students in state and private schools have causes and consequences that can affect the educational path of students. As Portes, Haller and Aparicio say "there are clear differences between students in state and private schools: the children of immigrants attending state schools have significantly lower aspirations and expectations that those that are attending private schools.”
 The territorial distribution of students of foreign origin shows that four autonomous communities are home to nearly 7 out of 10 students of foreign origin, are: Andalusia, Catalonia, Madrid and Valencia. However, all the autonomous communities have recorded significant increases during the first decade of the XXI century.

 Since the approval of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights in 1948, it have been realized significant developments against racism and discrimination.

There are cited the principal instruments against racism and non-discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin.

-“United Nations Organization” (UNO) → (ONU; Organización de las Naciones Unidas)
The action of the United Nations against racism and racial discrimination, has a long history that can be organized in two categories: legal instruments and actions that have allowed the political and normative development to combat racism.
We can highlight the Mundial Conference against Racism (Durban 2001). It proposes specific actions to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance.

 -European Union.

The Amsterdam Treaty, 1999, solidified the concept of fundamental rights. The european institutions acquired competences to regulate the treatment equality and the non-discrimination to access to a job, training, the career advancement and the work conditions.
On December the 1st, 2009 the Lisbon Treaty was approved, it solidified the social dimension of the EU and established treatment equality and non-discrimination policies through:  

  • The Charter of Fundamental Rights that acquire the same legal value that the Treaties.
  • The possibility that the EU accedes to the European Convention to protect the Human Rights and the Fundamental Freedoms.

The article 21 is about the non-discrimination based on gender, race, age, disability or religion, and also adds seven additional reasons: social origin, genetic characteristics, language, opinions, ethnic, property and birth.

-Spanish reference standards. (Normativa española de referencia)
In aspects that are related to treatment and opportunities equality we can find discrimination, and is related to the civil rights of the citizens, their recognition and protection.
The Spanish Constitution was approved on December 6th, 1978, it is an inflection point in the recognition of the rights and freedoms of the spanish. The article 1.1 recognises the equality as one of the supreme values of our juridical system. This supreme value is concreted in the article number 14. 

"Finally, here there are some questions about the topic that could be useful to consolidate the information"

If you want to say your opinion about the topic or if you want to add some information, you can write a comment or you can send me an email to the next address:

Have a good week!

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