lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

16 Activities-Resources. (Pedagogy)

Resultado de imagen de learning kids  

This post is about eight activities followed by eight resources, which are webpages, that are useful in the teaching-learning process of primary students.

The point is that the activities are made by me, although I did some of them during the last term. 

I will explain briefly each activitiy and I will say something about each webpage, a little comment according to what I think that could be interesting for a teacher, or why I think that those webpages could be useful to make easier the understanding of the students. 

I think that it is a good way to introduce the ICTs in the classroom. 

Firs, I'm going to talk about the activities and then about the different resources or webpages. 


·         -KUBBU - (
With Kubbu you can do a lot of activities. This activity is composed by six questions to students know the definition of the different type of words and to they can distinguish them.

It is a puzzle of the digestive system. This activity belongs to the last term. 

·         TONDOO – (
It is a cartoon about healthy and unhealthy food. It is also an activity that belongs to the last term. 

·         STUDYSTACK – (
This activity is a game to learn the function of some of the parts of the different systems. With studystack you can do different activities using the same information, for example flash cards, crosswords, or games. This activity belongs to the last term. 

·         QUIZLET – (
This activity can be useful to learn the geometric shapes. The students can see the image of the geometric shape. It is an online questionnaire. 

·         VOKI – (
It is a cartoon that will explain the students that it’s very important to keep the environment clean.

·         SOCRATIVE – (
Activity à It is a questionnaire about different types of clothes. The students have to do the questionnaire online, using a tablet or a mobile phone. 

Activity à Bingo about Clothes.


In this webpage you can find a lot of resources, activities, materials of each subject of primary education that can be useful for teachers in the classroom, and to students to understand the concepts clearly.

This webpage is related to maths. We can find a lot of activities and games to improve our mathematical knowledge.

In this webpage we can find a lot of activities related to the subject of English. We can find readings, quizzes, grammar exercises that can be useful to improve the level of English of pupils.

In this webpage we can find some activities related to maths, science or English. These activities are games, and can be useful for students because it makes the learning process easier.

·         CRICKWEB – (
It is a webpage in which we can find a lot of games that teachers can use to teach or reinforce some mathematical concepts. Some of them are very funny and it is good because children enjoy while they are learning.

·         PRIMARY GAMES – (
This webpage could be very useful to improve reading, because most of children don’t usually read at home, so it could be a good way to make them read while they are playing.

·         MUNDO PRIMARIA – (
It is a good webpage because it has a lot of activities that explain the different contents that students have to learn in the different subjects. For example, we can find that the subject of maths is divided in different parts: measurement, operations…, and the activities become more difficult.

·         VEDOQUE – (
If we want to review some vocabulary, here we can find some activities that could be very useful for children. We can choose the activities depending on the age of the students and we can find also activities related to history, maths or values.  

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