miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Summarizing two videos. (Unit 5. Pedagogy)

Resultado de imagen de comentando videos  dibujos
On Monday, 11st April, 2016, we were doing a comment about two videos in class. These videos talk about values, how values affect us in our behaviours, and also how values can be developed in the class. 
We have to keep in mind that it is important to work according education in values, because it could make us to change our personality and to develop new positive behaviours that could be useful in some future situations. We live in society and for that reason we have to keep in mind that we don't live alone, so we are social people and we have the need to communicate and relate with other people, and we have to respect their opinions and ideas. For that reason we have to learn considering values education. 

Resultado de imagen de comentando videos  dibujos

The fist video is entitled "School Mediation, You can!". We can watch the video using this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJyU5Fcl4pM&index=5&list=PLzNMJaZPRrYNi3BQkm6MHeR4k6pXEyLo8
This video shows us that there are different form of react when there is a conflict:
-Competing or fighting.
-Avoiding it.

The mediation is a peaceful technique to solve conflicts. Through mediation is achieved a resolution of the conflict where everybody wins and it is searched a common objective and alternatives that satisface to everybody.

Resultado de imagen de hugs dibujos

The second video is entitled "Hugs". We can watch this video using the next link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XWaTt2GGow&list=PLzNMJaZPRrYNi3BQkm6MHeR4k6pXEyLo8&index=1&nohtml5=False
The objective of this video is to show us that sometimes conflicts can destroy the welfare of people and they can end up causing serious consequences.
Each one can contribute to solve these conflicts in a pacific way as the boy does in the video giving hugs.
It is also important to think that the main characteristic of this video is to show that hugs are not the important thing, the important thing is that everyone can help others if they don't have a good day or if they have problems or if they are living a difficult situation. The aim is to make each others happy, you can do that giving someone a hug, for example.

I think that it is quite interesting to watch both videos, so if you want you can whatch them and make a comment about something you think that could be interesting. 

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