martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

Human Rights Protection. (Unit 3. Sociology)

Talking about rights, it's important to keep in mind that when a right is broken, we as teachers have to talk to the ombudsman who defends the rights of the population. 

Resultado de imagen de ombudsman
Teachers must introduce the teaching of Human Rights at school, as the curriculo says; it is the knowledge that people (children, pupils) need to know. It is a good way to acquire general culture. 

This topic talks concretely about the protection of the Right to Education as a Human Right; it must be compulsory. Human Rights have to be taught through subjects, activities, the way of teaching. I think that the most important thing in the teaching of Human Rights is the behaviour of the teacher, because in this case the teacher show as a model for the students; is a referer for them. For example, if the teacher is talking about the disadvantages about smoking during the class, but then they see that the teacher smokes, they don't take seriously what they have been talking. They think it's not as bad as their teacher does. During Primary Education the teacher is very important for the students. 
It's important for the teacher to have personal life, but If the teacher says to the students that they have to be paceful, for example, but then the teacher isn't it with the colleagues, could be this teaching will be a waste of time. 


Moreover, it's important to learn values, because we life in society, of course, and the children have to learn to respect the others, respect the different opinions or the differences that all of us have, because of diversity. It is an objective of Primary Education, but isn't enough because it's something in which you have to work. You as a teacher, have to make your students to achieve this objective. 

I totally agree with the idea of working in no-discrimination; to do that, we have to know how to change some aspects such as Bullying or Violence, to know how to avoid them, fighting for equality in Education. 

According to Tomasevski, 2001, "If you don't have the Right to Education, you don't have nothing"

As I said in the post about Globalization and Economic Crisis, the Education not only has to be available, but also acceptable. It is important to keep in mind that nowadays there are several differences between the Right to Education in the different countries. Not all the countries have the same opportunities and facilities. It's a pity.

  • Education must be free, compulsory, for everyone (availability, accessibility). It must permit the development of the human personality through the way of teaching.
  • Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children, but it's difficult to make it real because sometimes families don't have the opportunities to choose because of money, condition, economic problems... 
  Resultado de imagen de diversity in society 

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