lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016

Education a matter of two school and family/ The importance of family-school collaboration in education. (Unit 6. Pedagogy)

It is a very interesting topic because it talks about some realities that we can find in the educational community. For example one of the parts of this topic talks about the risks that we can find in the relation between teachers and parents; we as future teachers have to learn how to solve these conflicts or to reduce the degree of this risks, because these relations affect to the child directly. 
It could be an important information to work with students. 

At the end of the topic there are some questions about it to make clear the different contents. 

It is very important the good relationship between the family and school.
It's hard to make the good relationship between parents and school, as there are conflicting schedules that make it difficult to have time and also the parents are not always willing or conversely, teachers are not always open to collaboration.
This relationship becomes today in a very strong pillar for effective and positive responses from the educational and personal development of students. It has been shown that in the absence of this cooperation the child will have many problems in school evolution and many limitations occur.

Education is a long process that begins being taught by the family and then school and needs of both sides to achieve full educational and personal development of the child.
The school must accept the importance of participation and collaboration of parents in the education of children and the need for cordial relationship between teachers and parents to teachers to perform their function effectively and completely.
The center should have the ability to bring together parents through original, attractive projects where parents of school education of their children feel.

The meeting point is the children. You need to understand the school as a whole, in its entirety: as forming sociable, educated, active and participatory society people.
The key to generating this meeting point between teachers and parents is to show the importance of family involvement in school education of your child and that without such collaboration is significantly affecting the overall development of the child so. The center should provoke the interest of parents in the school plan to understand the values that prevail in the center and as practice carried out throughout daily life.
It is necessary to movements by the school to be able to get relations of participation, cooperation and training with respect to students and families. And the movement by parents to understand comprehensively their influence on learning processes in the transmission of values and human relations.

Throughout history education has been changed. The family has grown from patriarchal or matriarchal formed by grandparents, marriages, uncles, aunts, children, grandchildren and where women did not work if it was not the head of household, education and care of children and parents were what worked and they taught the profession to their children; a fully industrialized nuclear family, who live in the city and consists of a marriage or couples either the same sex or different sexes and not as many children as before and also women work outside the home and grandparents often live with family and something important school is responsible for the education of children along with dad homeschooled by parents.
But despite all these social changes families it remains a core of people in qeu relationships are, experiences and personal interactions are shared.
Before LODE parents went to school only individually, to treat certain issues of Education, but today parents are in the center as participants and their opinion counts.

Mainly we named the Ecological Model of Bronfenbrenner which highlights the context in the development of behaviors and its possibility of modification. It understands the relation as a means of community intervention.
There are some models more, but the point is that those models won’t be effective if there aren’t  respect and goodwill between people.

-Expert Model: The professional assumes the control of the situation.
-Transplant Model: The expert says the family what to do according to his experience.
-User Model: The family takes the decisions.

Teachers are best placed to increase opportunities for parental involvement in the education of their children, this not only helps the children but also allows families to better understand the different facets of their children. To achieve this collaboration, teachers adopt the following attitudes:
  1. Explore and enhance the resources of families: for this the teacher can ask for help from parents, organize talk time with parents, etc.
  2. Give the family and the child his role in changing: here has a very important role the child. Which favors the change is:
-Help parents to detect differences, teachers should give parents techniques that can help detect problems.
-Not accept that the change is attributed to something outside of the family, and that is consistent in accepting the cause of problems
-To show and strengthen its position in parent family hierarchical level.
-Pay attention to the change produced in the pupil.
- Do not blame the parents of what happens to the pupil
  1. Economize effort and time intervention
  2. Having activities in which they can participate (collaboration in the classroom, after school for the training of parents, etc.)

They are groups of parents involved in the participation of formal education of their children. It can only be formed by parents whose children are enrolled in the school in which this association is, and there is no limitation of participants. Some of its features are:
  • Defend the rights of parents regarding the education of their children
  • Facilitate parental involvement
  • Collaborate on educational work

If families are involved in the education of their children they will have more opportunities to excel in their studies. Therefore there should be a link between the family and school.
Some of the strategies that can be used for family involvement are:
  • Propose issues that are of interest to parents and their concerns related to their children and their education
  • Recording sessions classes their children to see their behavior in class
  • Create discussions

This article highlights the importance of joint work between parents and teachers in educating children from kindergarten to primary and secondary. Traditionally this collaboration is considered key in Early Childhood Education and neglected when the children get older. To address the integral education of students is necessary that families and teachers act together.

To carry out a integral education of students is needed communication channels and a joint and coordinated action of the family and school, only then the intellectual, emotional and social development of children is produced  in the best conditions. This joint action will stimulate the child the idea that he is in two different but complementary spaces.
There have been significant changes in our society that have not neglected the family and school, for example: the nuclear family is becoming smaller, they live in separated urban areas, the number of single-parent families has greatly increased…

I think that this topic explains the different problems and situations that teachers can reach when they are in relation with parents and families, in a complete way. 

It could be iimportant to keep in mind that both parts have to think in the other part, and they have to try to reach an agreement in a pacific way. 

If you want to say something about this topic or if you want to give me your opinion you can do that giving me a comment or if you prefer you can send me an email to the next address:

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