martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

Educative Policies. (Unit 3. Sociology)

Resultado de imagen de políticas en educación

Talking about Educative Policies, it¡s important to highlight that in the last years the Organic Law of Education has change so quickly. From one Organic Law to another there are big and small changes; this fact creates a situation of inestability, and teachers don't know what to do because of these changes. 

Now, there is a difficult moment in spanish policies I think, because the different components of the educative community are in disagreement. 

The aim of the investment policies is to finish with inequalities in Spain, because not all the schools have the same opportunities.

Resultado de imagen de inequalities in education

The impact on human resources has produced an increasing of the ratio, a change in teaching working time or a decreasing of the salaries, and all of these consequences are produced also due to the economic crisis. 

There is also an impact on educative, material and financial resources, for example schools are not cleaned everyday, they have to reduce the use of energy, disadvantages on school transport, they have less money for books or magazines, and of course there is less money for grants. 

Another inequality could be the use of ICTs in the school. There are schools that don't have computers or tablets, so they can't use the New Technologies. In other countries the situation is the opposite, for example there are countries in which the school is really autonomous in the decision of the teachers or the amount of money they have to spend, but it's not possible here in Spain.

Resultado de imagen de icts in school

(It is important to keep in mind that in Spain there is a high percentage of drop out)

Here in Spain, the local governments have a lot of laws, in general, but also in education. They have to be aware of compulsory education, promote that children are in school (policeman), but definitely they don't have nothing important to say in Education, they develop an auxiliar work in education so they have a little responsibility and can't take decisions. 
They can propose but schools decide if they want to aprove or not. 

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