martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

Educative Policies. (Unit 3. Sociology)

Resultado de imagen de políticas en educación

Talking about Educative Policies, it¡s important to highlight that in the last years the Organic Law of Education has change so quickly. From one Organic Law to another there are big and small changes; this fact creates a situation of inestability, and teachers don't know what to do because of these changes. 

Now, there is a difficult moment in spanish policies I think, because the different components of the educative community are in disagreement. 

The aim of the investment policies is to finish with inequalities in Spain, because not all the schools have the same opportunities.

Resultado de imagen de inequalities in education

The impact on human resources has produced an increasing of the ratio, a change in teaching working time or a decreasing of the salaries, and all of these consequences are produced also due to the economic crisis. 

There is also an impact on educative, material and financial resources, for example schools are not cleaned everyday, they have to reduce the use of energy, disadvantages on school transport, they have less money for books or magazines, and of course there is less money for grants. 

Another inequality could be the use of ICTs in the school. There are schools that don't have computers or tablets, so they can't use the New Technologies. In other countries the situation is the opposite, for example there are countries in which the school is really autonomous in the decision of the teachers or the amount of money they have to spend, but it's not possible here in Spain.

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(It is important to keep in mind that in Spain there is a high percentage of drop out)

Here in Spain, the local governments have a lot of laws, in general, but also in education. They have to be aware of compulsory education, promote that children are in school (policeman), but definitely they don't have nothing important to say in Education, they develop an auxiliar work in education so they have a little responsibility and can't take decisions. 
They can propose but schools decide if they want to aprove or not. 

Human Rights Protection. (Unit 3. Sociology)

Talking about rights, it's important to keep in mind that when a right is broken, we as teachers have to talk to the ombudsman who defends the rights of the population. 

Resultado de imagen de ombudsman
Teachers must introduce the teaching of Human Rights at school, as the curriculo says; it is the knowledge that people (children, pupils) need to know. It is a good way to acquire general culture. 

This topic talks concretely about the protection of the Right to Education as a Human Right; it must be compulsory. Human Rights have to be taught through subjects, activities, the way of teaching. I think that the most important thing in the teaching of Human Rights is the behaviour of the teacher, because in this case the teacher show as a model for the students; is a referer for them. For example, if the teacher is talking about the disadvantages about smoking during the class, but then they see that the teacher smokes, they don't take seriously what they have been talking. They think it's not as bad as their teacher does. During Primary Education the teacher is very important for the students. 
It's important for the teacher to have personal life, but If the teacher says to the students that they have to be paceful, for example, but then the teacher isn't it with the colleagues, could be this teaching will be a waste of time. 


Moreover, it's important to learn values, because we life in society, of course, and the children have to learn to respect the others, respect the different opinions or the differences that all of us have, because of diversity. It is an objective of Primary Education, but isn't enough because it's something in which you have to work. You as a teacher, have to make your students to achieve this objective. 

I totally agree with the idea of working in no-discrimination; to do that, we have to know how to change some aspects such as Bullying or Violence, to know how to avoid them, fighting for equality in Education. 

According to Tomasevski, 2001, "If you don't have the Right to Education, you don't have nothing"

As I said in the post about Globalization and Economic Crisis, the Education not only has to be available, but also acceptable. It is important to keep in mind that nowadays there are several differences between the Right to Education in the different countries. Not all the countries have the same opportunities and facilities. It's a pity.

  • Education must be free, compulsory, for everyone (availability, accessibility). It must permit the development of the human personality through the way of teaching.
  • Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children, but it's difficult to make it real because sometimes families don't have the opportunities to choose because of money, condition, economic problems... 
  Resultado de imagen de diversity in society 

Economic Crisis and Globalization. (Unit 3. Sociology)

Nowadays, the Education is suffering some changes due to the Economic Crisis that we are living and also due to Globalization. 

The problem with this Economic Crisis is the fact of investing in Education. All of us have the Right to Education, but politicians, Governments, have clear that the best idea to save money is to cut costs, which means reducing the investment in education also. 

In my opinion, I think that the investment in education is always important and necessary; it is our Right. 

Resultado de imagen de globalization and education

Luckily, the Globalization that the world is suffering, is helping Education at the same time; it's another way to live the crisis I think, because due to the Globalization there are some rich countries in which the Economic Crisis hasn't produced too much changes, in which there aren't too much differences, but in poor countries we find the opposite situation. For that reason, it is important to keep in mind that Education must be protected, in a way or another, depending on the country and the situation, but even in poor contries, the Government has to invest in Education. 

In this way, we realise that Education is fundamental for people, so the main idea is that instead of the crisis, it's important to invest money in education. The idea is --> INVEST INSTEAD OF CUT.

There are also inequalities in schools. There are some schools that have a lot of resources and facilities but there are other schools that haven't had help; they are living a bad situation. For that reason I think that the point is to decide in what aspects is more important to invest the money that we have, for example instead of invest in schools that have good conditions, maybe the correct decision could be invest the money in computers or teachers' preparation to schools that have less opportunities. 


  •  Avaliable to all of us
  • Accessible: All can go to a school instead of a special need.
  • Acceptable: good quality. To reach this objective is necessary to invest in education. For example in Africa, the school aren't acceptable for us, but for them, an acceptable school could be a school in which you have a book and a pencil. The thinking in a poor country is different. 
  • Adaptable: The education musth be adapted to students' needs. 

The economic crisis gives two options to governments:

-Not to protect Education: Not to spend money on it to solve the Economic Crisis.

-Protect the Right of Education. 

Now Governments have to decide what to do according to these options. 

I think that the best way to understand this situation, and to take a decission about it, could be developing empathy. If you know what the students feel when they haven't educative opportunities, facilities, adaptations to their needs, you will know what to do. Moreover, parents are involved in Education also, and politicians, as parents, because all of them have children, have to think how they would feel If their children receive such education, If they were in a poor school. 

However, the most important thing is that all of us have the Right to Education, and that's the most important thing in which they have to think when making a decision about it. 

Resultado de imagen de globalization and education

Research Porject: TV cartoons for children.

The aim of this research project is to search for information about how the TV cartoons that children watch on TV affect their behaviour. 

We chose the subtitle: What TV cartoon are you? It is a good idea to make the students to involve in the different activites and to encourage them to participate in a good way, because we need their truth to obtain useful information. 

From my point of view I think that it is an interesting project, and the different activities that we have prepared will help the research group that will develop this project. It is a good way to make them to realise that isn't easy to be a teacher, and that being a teacher implies involvement and vocation. 

 Nowadays we live in a kind of Technological Society and for that reason, children are playing fewer and fewer in the street; they prefer to spend time watching television or playing video games. Because of this, it has been found that the behavior of children has been altered compared to the behavior that children of earlier periods had.

It is interesting to investigate about children’s behaviours in relation with new technologies but particularly in relation with the television. It will depend on the cartoons that they watch or on the time that they spend watching TV. many studies show that the behavior of children in our society today is much more aggressive; in general, nine year-olds children prefer to watch cartoons in which predominates the movement and physical activity, instead of watching cartoons in which predominates the movement and physical activity. Some examples of these cartoons are SpongeBob SquarePants and The Fairly OddParents.

Besides,we explain what cartoons are more appropriate for children, which are educative, contribute values and moral principles, use intelligence against violence and with them the children learn to be honest and better people. Also we show how some cartoons are directed to an adult public and which aren’t recommended for the correct social and educational development of the children.

Therefore in this study we try to change this behavior through the awareness of both parents and students, so that children can be self-critical with the pictures they see and for parents to know which are the most convenient cartoons for his age.

 The context of this research project is a State School called “CEIP. Simón Abril “. It is located in Tarazona de la Mancha (Town of Albacete, Castilla- La Mancha).

There are 2 classroom per grade with 20 pupils in each classroom. Our project is going to be focused on 3rd grade students because we think that at these ages children start watching TV cartoons that aren’t appropriate for them.
The timing of this research project is 3 weeks (from 7th of November to 25th of November of 2016)

Our research team is composed by:

  • Alba Becerra Jiménez as a mother of a child of 3rd Grade.
  • María Calero Méndez as the tutor of the Group B of the 3rd Grade.
  • Ana Cristina González Rubio as the Art teacher of the 3rd Grade’s students.
  • Ana Belén Molina Rodríguez as the Social Sciences teacher of the 3rd Grade’s students.
  • Marta Violero Izquierdo as the Music teacher of the 3rd Grade’s students.

 The Theoretical Framework of this research project is explained in the next table:

Now, here there is explained the design week, in which there are going to be prepared all the activities, meetings that are going to be develop during the developmental week. There is also explained the development of the developmental week, adding the objectives of each activity. 

This project will be developed in November, 2016.
The design week will be developed during the second week of November, and the developmental week during the third and the fourth weeks of Nomvember. 

 This questionnaire will be answered by the students. Then, they will give it to the teacher/tutor. 
 This questionnaire will be answered by the families. Then, the teacher/tutor will analyse both questionnaires to compare the answers and to make conclusions. 
 This note is for information for families. The student may give it at home to their parents to know the necessary information about the meeting for families about TV cartoons. 

The idea is that we have done this project for a research group to develop. We have prepared the instructions to develop this project and the teachers of the school and the necessary people have to put it into practice. 

It is only an idea of research project. During the practice could be setbacks. 

What do you think? Would you change anything? 
If you want to tell me something about this research project you can give me a comment or you can send me an email to this address:

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