jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016



Resultado de imagen de WELCOME


  Education and Society is one of the subjects that I have to study during this semester and this blog will be the tool that I will use to share all of the activities, presentations or projects that I've done individually or in group. 

   This subject is divided in two parts: Pedagogy and Sociology. I have one teacher for each part. To differentiate the posts that are related to pedagogy from the posts that are related to sociology I will indicate the part to wich the document belongs.  

     I will explain briefly each project that I upload saying some interesting things about it, explaining the difficulties of the task or commenting something about the work in group, for example. 

         Each document will have its corresponding bibliography. 

     If you have any doubt about the topic or if you want to tell me your opinion or something interesting, you can leave a comment or you can send me an email at this address: albialbita@outlook.es

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