miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016

Information and Education Society. (Pedagogy)

  This activity is about a very interesting video that we've seen in class the last day. It is about the changes that have occurred during the last years. 

This video talks about the organization of the information comparing the resources that we actually have to search for any document and the strategies that people did use before. It is a kind of explanation about the different stages that have occurred from before to our society of information.

It talks also about the advantages and disadvantages that produces this situation, because we have a lot of information and comparisons on the Internet that we can use but we have to keep in mind that most of these information can be false or manipulated. It is so important for us but also for children, so we have to educate them keeping it in mind. 

Here there is an opinion about this video with a final conclusion made by my workgroup and of course by me. 


  • Years ago the information was separated and organized and it was guaranteed in the books. People had a minority access to the information and it was necessary to know to read. Now, in the 21st century , knowledge is interlaced. The culture is complex because of the omnipresence of the technologies of information and now it’s easy to have access to a lot of information.

  • Positive features of the Society of Information: Efficacy and quality of health and social services administration, new ways of industry and economic progress.

  • Negative features of the Society of Information: increasing inequality, digital divide between one country and another and between social groups, also we are becoming more dependent on technology, loss of culture, and also the loss of privacy we can now be more controlled through the technologies.

  • In the Education we can find positive features ( Internet represents the universal library ) and negative features (Too much information leads to ignorance and confusion).

  • Multiliteracies: different literacies (literacy, media, domain tools, able to analyze and discriminate all the rich set of information) .

  • A literate citizen of the 21st century must:
  1. -To know to locate and analyze information.
  2. -To know how to express themselves in text form, audiovisual, multimedia and hypertext.
  3. -To know to communicate and collaborate with other people


The society of information has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, the globalization allow us to access to a lot of useful information. On the other hand, this overload of information creates too much confusion both a lot of inequalities in the society.

To conclude, we have to say that there is a lot of reliable information that we can access to, but we have to know how to search for it and use it in the best possible way.

Finally, If you want to see the video here is the link to you can do that.

If you want to say me something about this topic, or if you want to say your opinion about the video, you can do it leaving me a comment or you can send me an email to this email address: albialbita@outlook.es 

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