lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016

Expectations about the subject. (Pedagogy)

Resultado de imagen de pedagogy subject dibus  It is important to think what a subject will be about, for example; it is good to develop the curiosity and it could be fun, especially for children, to guess what is the subject about.

I've done a writing in which I explain the expectations that I have of this part of the subject, what I think that we will learn during the semester, or some things that I think that we could work in class.

"From my point of view I think that in this subject we will study the different behaviours of the students, the involvement of families, schools and the environment in the education of the child, and the relation between the child and his/her classmates.

I think that this part of the subject, which is related to pedagogy, will be centred in the relation between and his/her teachers, the ways of teaching that a teacher can use depending on the area that he wants to develop. This subject can be also related to the development of the sociability of the student inside and outside the school.

I think that we will also learn some exercises, activities and games that could be useful to help students to learn some topic that could be more difficult for them, or to make easier or funnier the way of learning, studying and teaching, and also to improve their curiosity about the topics that they have to learn."

As you can see this expectations are based on my opinions, my thoughts. Expectations are different from each people because we have different opinions and ideas, so if my classmates, for example, think something different from my expectations, they were right also, because we don't know what we're going to learn in this subject, so we don't have to think the same. 

It is a voluntary activity.  

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