miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016

Information and Education Society. (Pedagogy)

  This activity is about a very interesting video that we've seen in class the last day. It is about the changes that have occurred during the last years. 

This video talks about the organization of the information comparing the resources that we actually have to search for any document and the strategies that people did use before. It is a kind of explanation about the different stages that have occurred from before to our society of information.

It talks also about the advantages and disadvantages that produces this situation, because we have a lot of information and comparisons on the Internet that we can use but we have to keep in mind that most of these information can be false or manipulated. It is so important for us but also for children, so we have to educate them keeping it in mind. 

Here there is an opinion about this video with a final conclusion made by my workgroup and of course by me. 


  • Years ago the information was separated and organized and it was guaranteed in the books. People had a minority access to the information and it was necessary to know to read. Now, in the 21st century , knowledge is interlaced. The culture is complex because of the omnipresence of the technologies of information and now it’s easy to have access to a lot of information.

  • Positive features of the Society of Information: Efficacy and quality of health and social services administration, new ways of industry and economic progress.

  • Negative features of the Society of Information: increasing inequality, digital divide between one country and another and between social groups, also we are becoming more dependent on technology, loss of culture, and also the loss of privacy we can now be more controlled through the technologies.

  • In the Education we can find positive features ( Internet represents the universal library ) and negative features (Too much information leads to ignorance and confusion).

  • Multiliteracies: different literacies (literacy, media, domain tools, able to analyze and discriminate all the rich set of information) .

  • A literate citizen of the 21st century must:
  1. -To know to locate and analyze information.
  2. -To know how to express themselves in text form, audiovisual, multimedia and hypertext.
  3. -To know to communicate and collaborate with other people


The society of information has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, the globalization allow us to access to a lot of useful information. On the other hand, this overload of information creates too much confusion both a lot of inequalities in the society.

To conclude, we have to say that there is a lot of reliable information that we can access to, but we have to know how to search for it and use it in the best possible way.

Finally, If you want to see the video here is the link to you can do that.

If you want to say me something about this topic, or if you want to say your opinion about the video, you can do it leaving me a comment or you can send me an email to this email address: albialbita@outlook.es 

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016

Expectations about the subject. (Pedagogy)

Resultado de imagen de pedagogy subject dibus  It is important to think what a subject will be about, for example; it is good to develop the curiosity and it could be fun, especially for children, to guess what is the subject about.

I've done a writing in which I explain the expectations that I have of this part of the subject, what I think that we will learn during the semester, or some things that I think that we could work in class.

"From my point of view I think that in this subject we will study the different behaviours of the students, the involvement of families, schools and the environment in the education of the child, and the relation between the child and his/her classmates.

I think that this part of the subject, which is related to pedagogy, will be centred in the relation between and his/her teachers, the ways of teaching that a teacher can use depending on the area that he wants to develop. This subject can be also related to the development of the sociability of the student inside and outside the school.

I think that we will also learn some exercises, activities and games that could be useful to help students to learn some topic that could be more difficult for them, or to make easier or funnier the way of learning, studying and teaching, and also to improve their curiosity about the topics that they have to learn."

As you can see this expectations are based on my opinions, my thoughts. Expectations are different from each people because we have different opinions and ideas, so if my classmates, for example, think something different from my expectations, they were right also, because we don't know what we're going to learn in this subject, so we don't have to think the same. 

It is a voluntary activity.  

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

Emotional Education Activities. (Unit 1. Pedagogy)

      The emotional education is related to the development of the personality during the childhood and the adolescence, influenced by the custom or by the society in which we live. 
       It is important to learn some aspects that are useful for us when we want to make a decision or to express feelings, messages or emotions with our body or with our face without using words. It is a very important part because we can know what is feeling another person when we look at his/her face or for example when we want to say how we feel in this moment to a deaf person. 
    In this project we want you to know some important parts of the emotional education. It is a nice project because reflects how children can learn really important things through a game. 
         To work with expressing feelings, we will teach to our pupils some activities such as feelings’ bingo. In this activity, pupils will learn to identify their reactions to different situations and they will value if their reactions are the best or not. This is an activity to children in the last courses of primary school.

The objectives of this activity are: representing feelings and emotions by mimic, recognize situations in which pupils can feel different feelings and favouring a climate of trust between pupils.
They will use cardboards to play bingo in which the squares are the names of the different feelings and emotions.
Each pupil has a cardboard. When the teacher gets a word of the pomp, pupils have to represent the feeling or emotion and then check if they have it in their cardboards.
When a pupil say linea, she or he has to ask to other classmate to represent the situation of her or his cardboard, and when someone say bingo, she or he has to tell a story with the feelings that he or she has.

          It’s important to learn to search for solutions when we’re living a difficult situation. 
The next activity can be useful to help students to be positive in any situation.

The name of the activity is “Harder Still”. It is for first grade students.
The teacher divides the class in two groups and explains a difficult situation to one group and its members have to find a solution for the situation. The other group has to complicate the situation. The group that solve the whole problem, wins.
For example: The teacher proposes this situation to one group: You have broken your mother’s favourite mug although she always told you not to touch. What do you do? Depending on the answer the other group complicates the situation. If they answer: “We think that we would tell it to her”, then the other group can say: “But if you tell it to her, she won’t you let go to the party on Saturday”.
They have to find a solution for all the situations.

          For Non Verbal communication we can find a great variety of activities, such as the one that I'm going to explain later, that is call "Guess” that is for first degree pupils.

It is important to learn how to interpret what the gestures say to us, to learn to decipher messages with nonverbal communication. The Web Andujar Guidance propose to us a fun game to teach students to appreciate the gestures and to discover their meaning.
          This game consist on write in a paper different actions, and then divided the class into two team. So one group have to pick one and represent it, to his/her group and they have to guess it in a minute, if not, the turn pass to the other team.
When they guess the action they will win a point for the team, and at the end the winner is the team that have more points.
 We not always get understand what others communicate to us. For students to work the proper interpretation of his classmates’ messages we suggest this simple activity called “Repeat what I say”, that is suitable for first grade pupils.

The main objectives of this activity are:
-To encourage active learning attitude.
-To learn to clearly express verbal messages.
-To understand that feedback is an essential part of communication.

To develop the activity, children will be grouped in pairs and we say to them that they are going to dialogue in a special way. Children will talk about the topic that they prefer, but before answer to his partner message the pupil has to repeat it in order to demonstrate that he has listened to him. If he has fully understood it, his partner has to nod and so on.

After that, we all talk about how has been our feelings while we was dialoguing, if we have been fully understood and if we have been able to listen carefully.
Finally, we will explain what actively listening means. We ask pupils to remember situations where they have heard but they haven’t actively listened and why they acted in that way. Also they have to remember situations where they felt that they haven’t been listened.

It is very important that children develop verbal communication skills fully and correctly.
The effective communication occurs when the receiver gets the message that the issuer tries to transmit with the least possible distortion. So when we issued a message, we must express ourselves in a way that can be understood by the receiver and when we heard we must be attentive to what transmits the other.
To achieve this, an easy and fun way is the activity of The Labyrinth, which we developed in second cycle.
Through this fun game, students will learn to transmit messages clearly and to interpret them properly. In this activity, they will discover how many times we don´t express clearly or we don´t know how to listen.
The objectives of this activity are:
  • Know how to express instructions clearly.
  • Be aware that communication always needs to exchange information.
  • To interpret oral messages transmitted to us.
  • To foster trust between classmates.
We need duct tape and it would be appropriate to do this activity in the gym or in the playground.

          We create a class tour of sticking duct tape on the floor.

We asked for two volunteers, to one we will cover the eyes with a handkerchief and the other should indicate to his partner what way has to follow to get to end of the tour. The student, who don´t see, can’t walk on the duct tape and neither can’t speak. The child who gives the instructions must be very clear for what his partner doesn´t get out of the way.
Then other two students, but in this case, who has covered his eyes, can talk and ask tracks to his partner. We can make the game more difficult by putting obstacles in the way as chairs or books.
Finally, we will comment with students the differences that have found between the two situations.

All of the activities that are explained in this topic are for primary students and it's so nice to know that they can enjoy playing this types of games because they spend so much time doing things that aren't important or useful in their lifes, but with this kind of activities, they can enjoy with their friends while they're learning how to express feelings or learning how to communicate something to a mate using the correct gestures.
Here you have a link that can help you to understand better the concept of emotional education. It is in spanish so it can help to your understanding.
Bisquerra, Rafael. (2010). Aprender a Pensar. Sentir y Pensar: WordPress. Recovered from: http://sentirypensar.aprenderapensar.net/2010/11/18/el-concepto-de-la-educacion-emocional/
Finally, here there are some questions related to the topic.

      Thanks for reading! If you want to say something about the topic that can be interesting or if there is something that you want to know, you can leave me a comment or you can send me an email to this address: albialbita@outlook.es. 



Resultado de imagen de WELCOME


  Education and Society is one of the subjects that I have to study during this semester and this blog will be the tool that I will use to share all of the activities, presentations or projects that I've done individually or in group. 

   This subject is divided in two parts: Pedagogy and Sociology. I have one teacher for each part. To differentiate the posts that are related to pedagogy from the posts that are related to sociology I will indicate the part to wich the document belongs.  

     I will explain briefly each project that I upload saying some interesting things about it, explaining the difficulties of the task or commenting something about the work in group, for example. 

         Each document will have its corresponding bibliography. 

     If you have any doubt about the topic or if you want to tell me your opinion or something interesting, you can leave a comment or you can send me an email at this address: albialbita@outlook.es